The Healthy Planet Radio Show.

The Healthy Planet Radio Show has been airing on WUSB, 90.1 FM since January of 2007. It immediately follows Democracy Now! during “drive time,” from 6 to 7 PM. Now airing on the first and second Fridays of each month, HealthyPlanet’s Bob DiBenedetto brings you twice as much empowering, life-and-world-changing information as before!

WUSB is Long Island’s largest non-commercial, free-form radio station. The signal can be heard at 90.1 FM on most of Long Island, and in Southern Connecticut, parts of NYC (Brooklyn and Queens), and Westchester County. It also simulcasts on 107.3 FM to reach Stony Brook University campus. It can be heard over the Internet 24/7, on www.WUSB.FM.

New Year’s Reflections 2022 

An Informal Conversation With 5 Activists: Thoughts About The Past Year and What’s To Come

With Katherine Congdon, Heidi Cohen, Bettina Barbier, Jennifer Grace and Eric Eaton.

With Special Appearance By Sasha.*

Show Description:

Join HealthyPlanet’s Bob DiBenedetto and five friends and longtime health/environmental/animal activists for an informal discussion about the transition from 2021 to 2022. They talk about everything from personal reflections on being grateful at a time of global unrest, to missed opportunities, to those things that challenged their previous notions of what was possible, to what freaked them out about 2021, to what gives us all hope for the future. 

Listen in to eavesdrop on this relaxed discussion between old friends! 


 Thank you for sharing this show with your friends and family!

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*Our very special guest, Sasha!


  • Eric Adams, Brooklyn Borough President, Four-Term State Senator, Retired Police Captain
  • Dr Michael Klaper, author, diet & health expert of Moving Medicine Forward
  • Neal D. Barnard, MD, FACC of the Physician’s Committee For Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
  • Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Disease-Proof Your Child and many more.
  • Thomas Falcone, Chief Executive Officer of the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA)
  • Gavin A. Schmidtclimatologist, Director NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Climate Scientist
  • T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., author of The China Study
  • Terry Tamminen, author of Lives Per Gallon
  • Randall S. Abate, author of Climate Change And The Voiceless, inaugural Rechnitz Family Endowed Chair in Marine and Environmental Law and Policy and a Professor in the Department of Political Science and Sociology
  • Todd Winant, author of Earth Voice, Food Choice
  • David Doniger, Senior Strategic Director Climate & Clean Energy Program Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Caldwell B. Esselstyn, MD, author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
  • Adrienne Esposito, Co-Founder Citizens Campaign For The Environment
  • Karen Ranzi, author of Creating Healthy Children Through Attachment Parenting and Raw Foods
  • Zoltan Rona, MD, MSc, author of Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin
  • Gordian Raacke of Renewable Energy Long Island
  • Brian Clement of The Hippocrates Institute
  • Paul Getsos, National Director of the People’s Climate Movement 
  • Karen Perry Stillerman, senior analyst, in the Food and Environment Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists
  • Jonathan Balcombe, Biologist, Author & Director of Animal Sentience, the Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy
  • Chuck Kutscher, Center Director, Buildings and Thermal Systems at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
  • David Goldston, The Director of Government Affairs for the Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Karen Davis, PhD Founder and President of United Poultry Concerns
  • Janice Nolen, Assistant Vice President, National Policy for the American Lung Association
  • Alex Beauchamp, Food & Water Watch’s Northeast Region Director
  • Brigitte Mars, author of The Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing, and many more
  • Will Tuttle, visionary educator and author of The World Peace Diet
  • Gerald Iversen, founder of Simple Living Works
  • Hope Bohanec, author of The Ultimate Betrayal: Is There Happy Meat?
  • Brenda Davis, RD, author, past chair Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • David Robinson Simon, author Meatonomics: The Bizarre Economics of Meat and Dairy
  • Robin Helfritch, Founding Director of Open the Cages Alliance and the Vegan Living Program
  • Julie M. Simon, author The Emotional Eater’s Repair Manual
  • Vesanto Melina, RD, nutrition expert, co-author of Becoming Raw and the Raw Food Revolution Diet and many more
  • Michael Greger, MD, author, internationally recognized speaker of
  • Dawn Moncrief, Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit organization, A Well-Fed World
  • Jeff Gohringer, National Press Secretary of the League of Conservation Voters
  • Carol Murphy, Executive Director of the Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY)
  • Dr. Steve Blake, author of Understanding Dietary Fats and Oils: A Scientific Guide to their Health Effects, and 28 other books
  • Justin Van Kleek, freelance writer, educator, community organizer. 
  • Demosthenes MaratosSustainability Institute Communications Director
  • Paul Gallay, Riverkeeper’s Executive Director and Hudson Riverkeeper
  • Bill Freese, Center for Food Policy’s Science Policy Analyst
  • Michael Parrish DuDell, Managing Editor of
  • Dr Alan Goldhamer, founder of the TrueNorth Health Center, author of The Health Promoting Cookbook and many more
  • Mike Hudak, Enviro Advocate, author Western Turf Wars: The Politics of Public Lands Ranching
  • Tim VanOrden, elite athlete and creator of the Running Raw Project
  • Brett Cotter, Founder, CEO Stress is gone, LLC
  • Jennifer K. Reilly, R.D., senior nutritionist The Cancer Project, co-author The Cancer Survivor’s Guide
  • Michael Weber, Farm Animal Reform Movement Campaign Coordinator
  • Steve Meyrowitz, The Sproutman, author of many books
  • Nneka Leiba, Environmental Health Researcher for the Environmental working group
  • Paul McRandal,  National Resources Defense Council
  • Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder and President of the National Vaccine Information Center
  • Ryan Zinn, the National Campaign Coordinator for the Organic Consumer Association
  • Ashok Gupta, senior energy economist and director of NRDC’s Air and Energy Program

  • Justin Van Kleeck, community organizer. Founder the Triangle Chicken Advocates microsanctuary

  • Connie Spence, founder of The Vegan Justice League
  • Eric Weltman, senior organizer Food and Water Watch
  • Cate Rodgers, The Climate Reality Project
  • Sarah Anker, Suffolk County Legislator
  • William McKeever, Author Emperors Of The Deep: Sharks–The Ocean’s Most Mysterious, Most Misunderstood, & Most Important Guardians
  • Jay Best, environmental scientist and engineer, founder and president of Green Team Long Island
  • Dhar Jamail, award-winning journalist & author The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption.
  • Dr. Sailesh Rao, Founder/Exec. Director Climate Healers, Author two books, Producer of Cowspiracy, What the Health & Others.
  • Brendan DeMelle, Executive Director DeSmog 
  • Lauren Ornelas, Founder/President, Food Empowerment Project 
  • Rob Herring, Producer/Director of The Need To Grow film
  • Robyn Engman, R.D. Registered Dietician and Trained Chef with Nutrition In Motion
  • Marisa Miller Wolfson, Film creator, long time activist and co-author of the book, Vegucated Family Table

  • Ali Tabrizi, Film Director Seaspiracy
  • Joel Levin, Executive Director, Plug In America 
  • Karl Grossman, Award-winning investigative journalist, author of six books, longtime environmental and anti-nuclear activist/educator.


Hear The Healthy Planet Radio Show twice monthly at 6PM, with Bob DiBenedetto on the first and second Friday of each month, on WUSB, 90.1FM, or Live Stream at:

Free of charge, and rich with information and inspiration!


The Healthy Planet Radio show focuses on topics that will help to educate you about the deep connection among all life on Earth, and the powerful effects your everyday choices can have on creating a clean, healthy and compassionate world.

Listen, learn, grow, join us in making a difference!
